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Air sampling tools that make you more successful.

Get more done on your next air sampling project. Our tools are simple to program, reliable, and durable. You'll love using them and your subjects will too. 

Do any of these problems sound familiar?

clogged check valves - dead batteries - frequent and high repair costs - downtime - subject complaints or refusals - subject noncompliance - out spec hardware performance - setup and take down take too long - not enough samples - sparse data not telling the full story

These issues are costing you more than you realize. 

Join your peers already using our tools at:

Harvard University - Johns Hopkins University - Emory University - Columbia University - Colorado State University - University of Colorado at Boulder - University of British Columbia - McGill University - University of Utrecht - U. Massachusetts Amherst - Virginia Tech - Indiana University - and many more.

Stop worrying about your hardware

Long battery life, continuous flow control, and compliance features take care of your biggest worries.


Simple setup

Program via phone app on site or the night before deployment.

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User Friendly

Goodbye tubes, tape, high vibrations, loud noises. 


Rich Data Log

Create your story with a robust data log. PM Exposure GPS Heat Map, CO2, Accelerometer, Temperature, Relative humidity, and much more.

Designed by engineers and exposure scientists.

Keeping your hardware running can be one of the hardest parts of your work. Our tools:

  • Save you time during setup, take down, and subject fitment.
  • Run silently without pulsation to reduce subject complaints. 
  • Are 'Full Stack' with inlet + filter cartridge + pump in one device.
  • Are energy efficient to get you top performance and run times.
  • Fully programmable to get the run you want with full accountability.

Take the next step to making our tools part of your best practice.

At Access Sensor Technologies we know you are serious about making a difference in the world, whether it’s an ambitious international project or working just around the corner. But what happens when your hardware becomes the hardest part of your work? Your equipment ends up limiting you. You fail to deploy at scale. Or you may simply not be getting enough data out of your hardware to create impact. The problem isn’t you! It’s that most hardware is built off an old approach to sampling. That’s why Access Sensor Technologies exists. We create tools to help you achieve more. More samples, more data, more impact. Start a new approach today. Contact us to learn about the thousands of ways our tools have helped people like you to conquer difficult sampling projects. Request a free loan of our equipment so you can experience our tools first hand. Speak with one us to define your equipment needs and get you a quotation. Remember, the hardware doesn’t have to be the hard part. We’re here to help you achieve more and make sampling the easy part.